Monday, October 13, 2008

Most Handsome Man in Comics?

I've been wanting to make a detailed post that borderlines on being an article about how awesome Matt Fraction's writing is. It would detail his early creator-owned work to the more recent epic CASANOVA and even his Marvel work and how he was able to really bring to life many lesser known or previously seen as unlikeable characters. All of this would lead to a sort of argument that Matt Fraction is a guy to really watch in comics - somebody that might be as important as Grant Morrison in ten years.

But somewhere along the line, I got lazy.

Yeah. Work does that to you.

So instead, I'm going to make a much easier argument. I'm going to say that Matt Fraction just might be the Most Handsome Man in Comics right now.

Don't believe me? Compare him to these ugly schmucks.

Jeez, Frank. I wouldn't look so smug if I was sporting your ugly mug.

And this might be the first time anyone has ever referred to Alan Moore as an "ugly schmuck." I'm just THAT edgy.


Unknown said...

The only thing I've read of Fraction's is INVINCIBLE IRON MAN, and I have not seen Iron Man TRULY feel like that much of a superhero in....hell, maybe close to a decade. Between either bad writing (or really, really good, non-superhero-y writing), Iron Man hasn't had the super-hero feel for a long time. I definitely give the man credit for that.

Ari Safari said...

I think this is a little gay. You are also clearly suffering from a surplus of blog power.

Adam said...

Oh, and since when is it gay to admit another man is handsome? It's not homosexual for a woman to say another woman is attractive.

You, my friend, are behind the times.

George S. said...

I see your Matt Fraction and raise you a Michael Turner (if he was still alive).