Tuesday, October 14, 2008

An Awesome Album Cover (Why Hadn't a Comic Book Artist Thought of This?)

I was just listening to this band I was rather fond a while back, The Afghan Whigs. Their biggest album, Gentlemen, always had a cover that I thought looked really cool, but I never realized just how good of a photograph it was until today.

I mean, just look at how much the kids look like adults in the middle of a complex situation. The girl is looking at him with a kind of a tender look, but the boy has a little bit of bitterness in him.

You can tell he's thinking something to himself along the lines of "Man, how am I gonna get rid of this bitch? She was good for a lay but not much else." And yet, even though his resentment feels restrained and very adult, he's still a kid for crying out loud! You look at him and want to pinch his fucking cheeks!

Classic. While this isn't remotely comic book related, it's such a great shot and really has so much story embedded in it that it's something I would expect to see on the cover of a comic book story about a relationship drama instead.

And also, it's my blog, so I can post whatever I want. One day you could come on here and just find pictures of kangaroos playing volleyball, essays about botany, or a crude pictorial history of the invention of the phone book.

And there won't be anything you can do about it. Because at that point, I will have gone mad with power.

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