Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Harvey Pekar on Letterman in '87: On Strike Against NBC

While I generally enjoyed the American Splendor movie, one thing that disappointed me was that during the scene where Harvey goes on Letterman's show to protest against NBC and their owner General Electric we were shown a reenactment instead of the original footage. That was one of my favorite scenes in the comic, so I really wanted to see how it compared to the actual event.

I dug around on YouTube only to find other guest appearances on Letterman's show (he did several), but just a little while ago the actual interview was posted.

Pekar was just as grumpy and as sardonic as you'd expect. However, one thing that was surprising was that Pekar seems much more obnoxious and disruptive than in his portrayals in the movie and in his own comic.

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